Can You Hear Me Now Is Verizon Wireless Really That Good

If you haven’t heard the expression, -Can You Hear Me Now?- then you must not watch television at all. Everybody who does watch TV knows that this is Verizon Wireless’s catch phrase, their claim of having better coverage than their competitors. Is Verizon really that good, though?

According to Cell Phone Providers’ 2012 Top Ten Review, Verizon is ranked by consumers as number one over the big boys, such as Sprint and AT&T. Why? One reason is a reflection of their catch phrase, -Can You Hear me Now?- Consumers agree that the coverage is better and that the service is reliable, translating to fewer dropped calls. Customer service is another important aspect that customers cite. With all that said, what types of products and services does Verizon Wireless offer?

Verizon starts with a basic single line plan at just $39.99 for 450 anytime minutes. An unlimited plan jumps to $69.99. Text messages can be transmitted for 20 cents per message up to $20 per month for unlimited texting. Family plans start at $69.99, with add-ons of $9.99 per line. The entire family can have unlimited texting for only $30. If you don’t want the whole family to have access to texting, you can choose which lines have it and adjust your pricing accordingly.

Verizon offers prepaid options without a contract starting at $50 for unlimited phone, texting, and internet. Prepaid daily plans depend on usage. For instance, you might spend $1.99 one day, but that is only if you use the phone. On other days, the phone would cost you nothing if you didn’t use it at all.

Verizon Wireless has a reputation and following that makes it a company worth trying. When you shop online at Verizon Wireless, check out their assortment of phones-basic or smart-as well as any accessory you would need to go with your phone. You can also get mobile broadband service for your smart phones and tablets. You can save even more with Verizon by shopping online and using a Verizon Wireless promo code.

If you’re into other electronics besides cell phones, there are many opportunities to save online on your favorite products. Hewlett Packard (HP) is known for its computers. Shop its online store for everything you need associated with a computer. Sears is more than just appliances; you can save big-time online in its electronics department. Lenovo offers a variety of ThinkPads at discounted prices. Toshiba is another well-known name, its laptops known as some of the highest rated. You can save at all of these stores by using online Coupon Codes. Now is the time to stock up on electronics while you think about giving Verizon Wireless a try.